Bell's Scotch Whisky 회사소개
1. Bell's Company Profile
설립자 Arthur Bell
1825년 유명한 항구 패밀리 집안 사람 중의 한 사람인 Thomas Sandeman이 Perth에 작은 상점을 설립
그 작은 상점에 1840년대 말, 호기심 많고 겸손하고 높은 도덕심으로 뭉친 단체인 영국 국교회 분파의 한
멤버였던 Arthur Bell이 고용되어 성실하게 일을 하였습니다.
그러다 1851년 그는 파트너인 James Roy와 함께 독립하여 상점을 차렸습니다.
그는 몰트 위스키와 그레인 위스키를 섞은 블랜디드 위스키의 잠재성을 처음으로 인지한 사람 중의 한명입니다.
여러가지의 위스키를 함께 섞은 블랜디드 위스키가 섞지않은 (싱글 몰트, 싱글 그레인) 위스키 보다 더 많은
사람들의 미각을 만족 시킨다고 생각하게 되었습니다.
그의 신념은 1863년 그로 하여금 자기의 브랜드를 위해 런던의 중계상을 지명하게 되었고, 초기 위스키 회사를
설립하여, 거기에 자신의 아들인 Arthur Kinmond 와 Robert를 참여 시켜 국내시장과 해외시장을 관리하게
1880년까지 그 회사의 중심은 블랜디드 위스키 였습니다.
많은 위스키 관련 회사들이 생겨나고, 신생 브랜드가 생겨났음에도 불구하고, 그는 겸손한 마음으로 1896년까지
자신의 브랜드를 갖지 않았습니다.
그는 "끊임없이 노력하고 실행하여 자기 스스로 제품의 질에 자신감이 있을때까지 노력하였다."라고 말할 정도
Arthur Bell은 1900년에 사망하였습니다.
결국 그의 브랜드는 그가 죽은지 4년후인 1904년에 Bell's 라는 이름을 갖게 되었습니다.
아들인 Robert는 호주, 뉴질랜드, 인디아, 이태리, 프랑스 등 각국의 중계상을 설립 관리하였고, 다른 아들인
A.K. Bell은 1908년에 처음 사업이 시작된 Perth와 미국에 지사를 설립 하였습니다.
그러나 여전히 벨은 작은 브랜드로 남아있었습니다.
1933년 Blair Atholl Distillery과 1936 Inchgower Distillery를 획득하게 되었고, 사업은 계속번창하게 되었습니다.
그러다 1942년 두 아들이 사망하고, William Govan Farquharson회장이 부임하면서 부터 Bell's 은 빅리그에
참여하기 시작하였습니다.
그는 Bell's Extra Special의 마케팅과 광고를 더욱강화하였으며, 특히 미국과 영국시장에서 활발하게 판촉을
추진 하였습니다.
1970년에 이르기까지 벨은 스코틀랜드와 영국에서 선두적인 브랜드 역활을 하면서, 1974년에 Pittyvaich Distillery를
설립하고, 또한 1983년 Bladnoch Distillery를 사들였습니다.
그러다, 1985년 Guinness 그룹에 합병되었고, 지금은 디아지오 그룹에 속해 있습니다.
2. Bell's Decanter History
Bell's 최초의 Decanter 모습
Bell's Decanter의 개념이 처음 도입된것은 1920년대 였습니다.
디켄터의 처음의 재료는 1930년대 까지 파란 유리로 만들어었습니다.
현재의 벨 디켄터의 모습은 그 모습의 변형 발전시킨것입니다.
종모양으로 더욱더 가깝게 변형을 시켰고 재료는 도자기로 바뀌었지만 여전히 색깔은 파란색을 유지하였습니다.
1940년대 디켄터는 Edinburgh의 Thistle거리의 거리에 자리잡고 있던 유명하고 칼라풀한 Jolly Carter's의
소유주였던 Rolly Carter에 의해 디자인되었고 Carvendale's라는 작은 잡화제품을 만드는 공장에서 생산
디켄터는 수공으로 만들었기 때문에 제품 각각의 사이즈를 일치 시키는것이 가장 어려운일중의 하나였었습니다.
그래서 그 일을 Peebles에 있는 전 폴란드 전쟁포로들에 의해 운영되었던 회사에 하청을 주었습니다.
디켄터는 자기색으로 손으로 금을 이용하여 글자를 새겼고, 종의 추가 바닥에 닿도록 일치시켰습니다.
Brown and Gold Decanter
1950년대 Royal Doulton이라는 도자기 산업에 유명한 제조업체에 양도되어 Brown and Gold Decanter가
새롭게 선보이게 되었습니다.
이 특별히 엄선된 독특한 블랜디드 위스키의 탄생은 그 자체로 특별한 의미를 가졌고, 1959년 파인트(pint) 사이즈로
개량되어 추가되었습니다.
1960년 Spode(영국의 유명도자기회)사에 양도 생산되어, 전세계의 수요의 증가로 어디서나 쉽게 볼수있게 되었습니다.
1966년 세번째 도자기 업체인 Wade사에 양도되어 끊이없이 발전하다가, 특히 Stoke-on-Trent과
Portadown에 생산라인을 추가로 증가시켰습니다.
1970년대에는 Quarter Bottle 사이즈를 소개하였고, 1979년에는 50ml의 미니어쳐도 생산하게 되었습니다.
Bell's Tan Cream Decanter
1988년 Bell Decanters계열에 Bell's Extra Special Blended Scotch Whisky가 새롭게 개량 추가되었습니다.
(Bell's Tan Cream Decanter)
기존 종 모양을 변형시켰고, 병목부분의 장식과 황갈색(Tan)과 크림색을 반영한 Bell's House Style의 디자인을
United Disillers사를 위하여 Wade Ceramics사에서 24케럿의 금으로 수공마무리한 제품입니다.
제품마다 포장상자를 개량하고, 선물용으로 변형시켰으며, 제품마다 운반코드를 부착하였습니다.
사이즈는 750 ml, 375 ml, 187.5 ml 등이 있으며, 12년 숙성 제품도 추가 시켰습니다.
그 후, 1991년 5월1일 EEC Legislation (유럽연합 시장 법률) 변경으로 모든 Spirits의 병입에 관한 규칙이 생겼고,
이에 Bell's Decanters도 변경을 하였습니다.
기존의 750ml 사이즈는 700ml 사이즈로 변경을 시켜야했습니다.
이를 어길경우 막대한 벌금이 부과되기 때문입니다.
1990년대 초 생산비용의 상승에 따라 모든 벨의 표준 사이즈를 제외하고는 375 ml 사이즈와 187.5 ml 사이즈,
그리고 Bell's 12 Year Old 700 ml 사이즈는 생산을 단계적으로 중단시켰습니다.
3. Bell's Decanter All List
Charles and Diana 1981 |
Charles and Diana 1981 - Export |
Charles and Diana (Unboxed) 1981 |
Charles and Diana (Empty) 1981 |
Prince Henry 1984 |
Prince Henry 1984 - Export |
Prince William 1982 |
Queen’s 60th Birthday 1986 |
Andrew and Sarah 1986 |
Princess Beatrice 1988 |
Princess Eugenie 1990 |
Queen Mother’s 90th Birthday |
Queen’s 50th Anniversary |
1998 Prince Charles 50th |
Queen Mother’s 100th Birthday |
12 Year Old Dark Brown Fine Old |
Royal Reserve 20 Year Old Blue |
UK Christmas 1988 Merry Xmas |
UK Christmas 1989 Perth Winter 1895 |
UK Christmas 1990 Art Of Distilling |
UK Christmas 1991 Art Of Distilling |
UK Christmas 1992 Cooper’s Art |
UK Christmas 1993 Malt Man’s Art |
UK Christmas 1994 The Blender’s Art 8 Years Old |
UK Christmas 1995 The Cellar Man’s Art 8 Years Old |
UK Christmas 1996 Ingredients Of Quality - Sheaf and Sacks of Barley (Red/Cream) |
UK Christmas 1997 Ingredients of Quality - Map Of Scotland |
UK Christmas 1998 Ingredients of Quality - Leaping Salmon/Water 70cl |
UK Christmas 1999 Ingredients of Quality - The Craft Of The Cooper
- The Waters of Life 1999 Quality |
Hawaii Bell 12 Year Old New Style - Short Neck |
Joyous Wedding Old Style (White & Gold Stoppers |
Joyous Wedding 12 Year Old New Style - Short Neck |
Joyous Wedding (No Age) New Style - Short Neck |
Christmas 1988 South Africa - Merry Xmas B20 |
Christmas 1989 South Africa - Perth Winter 1895 B20 |
Christmas 1990 South Africa - Art Of Distilling B20 |
Christmas 1991 South Africa - Art Of Distilling B297 |
Christmas 1992 South Africa - Curling B297 |
Christmas 1993 South Africa - Golf B297 |
Christmas 1994 South Africa - Salmon Fishing B297 |
Christmas 1995 South Africa - Tradition Of Highland Games B297 |
Christmas 1996 South Africa - Tradition Of Piping B297 |
Christmas 1997 South Africa - The Fine Art Of Stalking B297 |
Christmas 1998 South Africa - Ingredients of Quality - Leaping Salmon 75cl B297 |
Chinese New Year 1991 (Sheep) 12 Year Old |
Chinese New Year 1992 (Monkey) 12 Year Old |
Charles and Diana (South Africa) |
Prince Henry/Harry (South Africa) |
Prince William (South Africa) |
Andrew and Sarah (South Africa) |
Queen’s 60th Birthday (South Africa) |
Princess Beatrice (South Africa) |
Princess Eugenie (South Africa) |
Queen Mother’s 90th Birthday (South Africa) |
1997 Queen & Prince Phillip’s Golden Wedding Anniversary (South Africa) |
Prince Charles 50th (South Africa) |
New Shape Tan/Cream 1 Litre |
New Shape Tan/Cream 75cl (PLC) |
New Shape Tan/Cream 70cl (& Sons) |
New Shape Tan/Cream 50cl (& Sons) and (PLC) |
New Shape Tan/Cream 37.7cl |
New Shape Tan/Cream 37.5cl |
New Shape Tan/Cream 20cl (& Sons) |
New Shape Tan/Cream 18.75cl |
New Shape Tan/Cream 70 cle |
New Shape Tan/Cream 750ml |
Old Shape 75cl (PLC) |
Old Shape 50cl (PLC) |
Old Shape 37.8cl 13.1/2 fl oz |
Old Shape 18.9cl 6 2/3 fl oz (Limited) |
Old Shape 26 ½ fl oz (Limited) |
Old Shape 75cl (PLC) Overseas Issue |
Old Shape 50cl (PLC) Overseas Issue |
Old Shape 6 2/3 fl oz 70% Volume |
Old Shape Blended 1.76 fl oz |
Old Shape 70% Proof 26 2/3 fl oz 75.7cl (Limited) |
Old Shape 37.5cl 40% Volume (Limited) |
Old Shape 6 2/3 fl oz 70% Proof (Limited) |
Old Shape 18.75cl 40% Volume (Limited) |
Old Shape 26 2/3 fl oz (Limited) |
Old Shape 13 1/3 fl oz (Limited) |
Old Shape 350ml (Limited) |
Old Shape 20cl (Limited) |
Old Shape 187.5ml (Limited) |
Old Shape 43cl (Limited) |
Blue Porcelain 1930’s |
King George IV/Queen Mary Coronation - Blue & Green Version 1911 (Copeland/Spode) |
Blue Glass Decanter 1920’s |
Millennium Glass 2000 |
37.5cl Tan & Cream Federation of Wholesale Distributors Gold Medal Awards
Savoy Hotel London 28th November 1991 |
37.5cl White New Shape Federation of Wholesale Distributors 1991 |
Prince William White 50cl LVNH 1986 President’s Bell |
Bell’s Royal VAT 12 Years Old Blended 1969 86% Proof |
50cl Old Shape White Bell’s Queen’s Award For Export Achievement (21/04/83) |
37.5cl 40% Volume 1986 Opening of LVNH Arthur Bell Estate |
50cl New Shape White Federation of Wholesale Distributors |
6 2/3 fl oz Brown & Gold 70% Proof A Momento Of Your Visit To Bell’s Head Office |
50cl Brown & Gold Decanter Official Opening Head Office Cherrybank Perth - 1980 (Also 37.5cl) |
18.75cl Brown & Gold 150 Years Of Bells 1825-1975 (Also An Italian Version) |
18.75cl Tan & Cream Visit of HRH Prince of Wales To Cherrybank Gardens 1989 |
75cl/37.5cl (Back Label) Golden Jubilee Conference (Wholesale Grocers) April 1990 |
75cl/37.5cl (Back Label) Gold Medal Awards November 1991 |
18.75cl Brown/Gold LVNH 1976 |
18.75cl White Lochnagar Hill Walk 1991 |
18.75cl Tan/Cream L.V.S. New Year Gala Ball Banquet 10/1/89 |
18.75cl Tan/Cream British Independent Grocers Association 1989 |
37.5cl Tan/Cream Gleneagles 1989 |
50cl 1968 - 1993 25 Year Broxburn Old Shape White/Gold |
50cl Brown/Gold Opening of Broxburn Distillery (Also 37.5cl) |
75cl 1968 - 1993 25 Year Broxburn |
1 Litre Tan/Cream Broxburn 1968-1994 (Closing) |
75cl Tan/Cream Zimmerman 1993 |
26 2/3 fl oz Brown/Gold Opening East Mains 1968 |
75cl Brown/Gold NAAFI Stores |
26 2/3 Brown/Gold NAAFI Stores |
37.5cl Brown/Gold 1980 Cherrybank Gardens |
37.7cl Tan/Cream Gleneagles Hotel 1989 |
37.5cl 43% Vol Tan/Cream British Independent Grocers Association Savoy Hotel 1990 (Also 1989) |
75cl Tan/Cream Gleneagles Hotel |
75cl 12 Year Old Brown Final Closing Of Broxburn (Commercial Division) |
75cl Old Shape White Scottish Open Golf 1987 |
50cl Old Shape White Scottish Open Golf 1987 |
37.5cl Tan & Cream Scottish Open Golf 1990 |
37.7cl Tan & Cream British Independent Grocers Association Peebles 1989 |
Di/Charles No Reverse Inscription on Decanter |
18.75cl Brown & Gold Barge Hydrogen To Glasgow Garden Festival 1986 |
6 2/3 Fluid Ounces |
18.75cl Brown & Gold Licenced Trade Childrens Homes Silver Jubilee 1962-1987 |
18.75cl Brown & Gold (Raymond Miguel) |
“The Directors Of Arthur Bell Distillers Would Like To Thank All The Gleneagles Hotel &
Management & Staff For Their Support During 1993 and Wish You A Very Happy Christmas &
Prosperous New Year” 75cl 43% Vol Arthur Bell & Sons (1988 to 1996) |
Bell’s Scotch Whisky Perth, Scotland - Staff Bell - Brown/Gold - Long Neck - Old Shape 1975-1985 |
Scottish Licensed Traders Awards 37.5cl Tan/Cream - 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994,
1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998 |
Brown & Gold - Plain - Inscription Bell’s Scotch Whisky Perth Scotland |
Brown & Gold 26 2/3 fl oz |
Brown & Gold 1 Pint |
Brown & Gold 75% Proof (Limited) |
1874 Infantryman |
Brown & Gold 26 2/3 fl oz |
Brown & Gold 13 1/3 fl oz |
Brown & Gold 1 Pint |
Brown & Gold 70% Proof Half Size (Limited) |
Brown & Gold 70% Proof Large Size (Limited) |
70% Proof Half Size (Limited) |
70% Proof Large Size (Limited) |
________ |
____________________________________________ |
4. Wade Ceramics사의 Decanter 종류
Arthur Bell & Sons began dealing in whisky in 1825. The first Bell's Decanter appeared in the 1920's and was made of blue glass in a rather more traditional decanter shape as a specialist item.
The design continued to be developed, from the hand made Decanters of the 1930's and 1940's, until Royal Doulton took over the production in the 1950's.
Copeland Spode produced the Decanters for a brief period in the early 1960's before the final producer, Wade, took over production in 1966.
Wade Ceramics plc has produced all the Bell's Decanters made since then.
In 1985 Arthur Bell & Sons became part of the Guinness Group. In 1987 the company was merged with United Distillers plc.
In 1997, following the merging of the Guinness Group and Grand Metropolitan, the company was re-named Diageo.
United Distillers plc was amalgamated with International Distillers & Vintners to form the wines and spirits division of Diageo. The new company was named United Distillers & Vintners (UDV).
UDV, who now manage the Bells brand, continue to produce limited edition decanters.
It was in the 1920s that the idea of a bell shaped Decanter was first conceived. It began life made out of blue glass in a rather more traditional Decanter shape as a specialist item and, by the 1930s, the concept had developed in design. It was then being made in porcelain and, although the colour was still predominately blue, it looked more like a bell.
By the late 1940s, the Decanters were produced by a small firm of fancy goods manufacturers called Carvendale's who had a little factory in Edinburgh's Thistle Street. The designer was Rolly Carter. Who, observers of the Edinburgh social scene in the late sixties and early seventies will recall, was the proprietor of the famous and colourful Jolly Carter's, also in Thistle Street.
These Decanters were made individually by hand, no easy task when the volume of each one had to be exact. This work was subcontracted to a firm in Peebles, run in those days by a Polish ex-prisoner of war. Each Decanter was made from self-coloured pottery, hand lettered in gold, and each was complete with clapper attached to the bottom.
In the early 1950s, Royal Doulton, a famous name in porcelain manufacture, had taken over its production and a brown and gold Decanter had been introduced. A unique blend of especially selected whiskies was specifically created for it and, in 1959, a pint size version was developed to add to the existing bottle size. In 1960, the manufacture of these two sizes had been taken over by Spode, another well-known name in the pottery industry. Demand for the product was increasing and it was becoming a familiar sight in outlets around the world.
It was in the 1920s that the idea of a bell shaped Decanter was first conceived. It began life made out of blue glass in a rather more traditional Decanter shape as a specialist item and, by the 1930s, the concept had developed in design. It was then being made in porcelain and, although the colour was still predominately blue, it looked more like a bell.
By the late 1940s, the Decanters were produced by a small firm of fancy goods manufacturers called Carvendale's who had a little factory in Edinburgh's Thistle Street. The designer was Rolly Carter. Who, observers of the Edinburgh social scene in the late sixties and early seventies will recall, was the proprietor of the famous and colourful Jolly Carter's, also in Thistle Street.
These Decanters were made individually by hand, no easy task when the volume of each one had to be exact. This work was subcontracted to a firm in Peebles, run in those days by a Polish ex-prisoner of war. Each Decanter was made from self-coloured pottery, hand lettered in gold, and each was complete with clapper attached to the bottom.
The first four in a series of Christmas Decanters has been produced which are trimmed in dark green. The theme of the 1988 issue was ''We Wish You A Merry Christmas'', the 1989 edition depicted a Perth Winter Scene and the 1990 edition featured the Blair Athol Distillery. The 1991 Decanter continues the Art of Distilling theme and shows a picture of a Still Room and is in the new 70cl size. The 1992 Decanter is a new design with a predominately rich green finish portraying the Art of Cooperage and is the pattern for the next four years, thereby making another series of four. The 1993 edition illustrates the Maltmans Art whilst the 1994 shows the Blenders Art. The final Decanter in this series , 1995, depicts the Cellermans Art.
Another new series was introduced for Christmas 1996, this time in the 'house colours' of United Distillers. The Decanters are mainly cream with a rich dark red at the shoulder and are hand finished in 24-carat gold The 1996 depicts the Ingredients of Quality and the 1997 the Eight Core Whiskies of Bells eight year old.
Commemorative Decanters
In the 1980s, an interesting and attractive addition was made to the family with the production of a white porcelain Royal Wedding Decanter to commemorate the marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana on 29th July 1981. This limited run item was so popular that the complete stock was sold within months, with a large proportion going to overseas markets. With the birth of Prince William on 21st June 1982, Bell's decided to introduce another commemorative Decanter, this time in a 50cl size, and again in a limited edition.
Since then, Bell's have continued the tradition of commemorating special occasions in the lives of our Royal Family with limited edition Decanters for the birth of Prince Henry (15th September 1984), the Queens 60th Birthday (21st April 1986), Prince Andrew and Miss Sarah Ferguson's wedding (23rd July 1986), the birth of Princess Beatrice (8th August 1988) and finally, Princess Eugenie (23rd March 1990). August 1990 saw the issue of a Decanter to mark the Queen Mother's 90th Birthday.
All except the Prince William and Prince Henry Decanters, which were 50cl, were produced in the 75cl size.
A Decanter to celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh (20th November 1947) has also been produced, this time in the 70cl size. All these Royal Decanters in their striking white colouring are prestigious additions to the range and are in keeping with the quality and tradition of their predecessors.
Following a change in the E.E.C. legislation, with effect from 1 May 1991, the fill levels of Decanter bottlings have been changed. The 75cl size has been discontinued and is replaced by a 70cl Decanter. Because of the prohibitive costs the 37.5cl and 18.75cl sizes have been phased out and not replaced. [The 70cl Decanter was subsequently discontinued (early 1995).]