Hazelburn 8 year old


                         First Edition in 2005                                          Second Edition in 2006



Wood Type      : 60 % Bourbon, 40 % Sherry
Strength           : 46 %
Annual Outturn : 2005년 5,100 bottles, 2006년 6000 bottles
Price                : £ 32.00


헤이즐번 증류소는 스코틀랜드의 캠벨타운 지역에 위치하고 있으며, 1825년 부터 1925년 까지
가동을 하였습니다.
1886년에는 종업원이 22명이었으며, 한해에 약 192,000 갤런의 위스키를 생산했던, 그 지역에서
가장 큰 증류소 였습니다.

1920년에 Springbank 증류소와 또다른 증류소를 소유하고 있던 Mackie & Co.사에서 증류소를

매입하였으며, 1926년에 가동을 중지하였습니다.


그후, 1996년부터 Springbank 증류소에서 증류하여 8년 이상을 숙성 시킨 몰트 위스키를
2005년 부터 Hazelburn Single Malt라는 상표를 붙여서 판매하고 있습니다.


Hazelburn 8 year oldPeat를 사용하지 않고 건조시킨 Malt를 사용하여, 3번 증류하였습니다.

또한, 필터링을 하지 않았으며, 캬라멜 등을 전혀 사용하지 않았습니다.


2005년에 출시한 First EdtionCask, Malting, Still 등의 3가지 사진의 라벨을 부착하여,

각각 1,700병씩 총 5,100병만을 생산하였습니다.

Distiller's Tasting Notes :

COLOUR: Pale gold.
NOSE: Light and delicate, the 8 yo Hazelburn has subtle nuances of raspberry coulis, 

            shortbread and sherbet.
            Sweet vanilla, malt and white oak are also in evidence.
PALATE: Elegantly sweet and malty. Loads of vanilla flavour comines well with toasty oak

            notes leading to a spicey aftertaste.

            No smokiness in triple distilled Hazelburn.
FINISH: A slightly peppery finish to a refined and elegant dram.


Tasting Notes

Dave Broom

Very sweet with lots of estery notes: lemon, apple, bubblegum, iris. American cream soda, orange smarties.
A clean, sweet, start. Barley sugar, banana, lightly floral/chestnut blossom. Water shows a touch of honey. Lovely feel.
Glides away. Great length.
Good impact for a ‘light’ whisky. Highly recommended.

Arthur Motley

Fresh plums, green wine gums and green fresh pears. Grass and hay, a hot, dry meadow.
Full and sweet , with a grassy, floral flavour and some green maltiness. A pleasing oily body.
More cereal character and a bit of earthiness.
An ideal first dram of the day, and a good example of how younger malt can offer a livelier, fat texture in the mouth.



Hazelburn 8 year old (46%abv) is the third Single Malt to be distilled and bottled at
Springbank Distillery.
It is un-peated and triple distilled.


First distilled in 1996, upon the return of Frank McHardy from Bushmills Distillery,
the First Edition of Hazelburn was released as a limited edition 8 year old in 2005.


This new release of Hazelburn 8 year old will take it place alongside Springbank and
Longrow 10 year old in the standard range of products available from Scotland's oldest
family owned distillery.






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