1824년부터 가동해 온 Banff 증류소를 1863년 제임스 심슨 2세가 새로 건립. 2회 증류방법으로 전환하기 전에는 3회 증류 실시. 화재와 태풍 등으로 수차례 피해를 당함. 제 2차 세계대전때 독일공군의 공습으로 12번 창고가 파괴 되고, 많은 량의 위스키가 불타거나 없어짐. 1933년 Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd. (SMD)가 매입. 1983년 증류소 문 닫고, 증류소 허뭄.
남아 있던 위스키들은 독립병입자에게 매각
The distillery was built by James Simpson Jr. in 1863 to replace a distillery of the same name from 1824. Banff practiced triple distillation before converting to the double distillation method. Banff had a rich and unique history, the distillery was plagued fires, and was damaged by a severe blaze in 1877. During World War 2 an enemy plane bombed the site, destroying warehouse number 12. The Banffshire Journal reported that thousands of gallons of whisky were lost and it is said that Boyndie burn ran with so much whisky that farm animals became intoxicated. In 1933 the distillery came under the ownership of SMD and was closed and demolished in 1983. Banff can still be readily had through independent bottlings.
Established: 1863 Pronunciation: Banff Region: Speyside Tours: No longer in operation / Silent Still Phone: None Location: No longer standing
Style Light, grassy
Range None from the distillery but available in independent bottlings (try Signatory or cadenhead) | |
Ben Wyvis 
1965년 증류소 설립. 1977년 증류소 문 닫음.
가장 짧게 운영된 증류소. 이 증류소의 몰트 위스키는 매우 귀해서 구하기 힘듬. 이 증류소의 증류기들은 Glengyle 증류소의 소유가 됨.
A closed distillery that was only open from 1965 and 1977. The single malt is extremely rare and difficult to find. Ben Wyvis’ stills live on and are now part of the Glengyle distillery.
Gaelic Meaning: the terrible hill Established: 1965 Pronunciation: Ben Wyviss Region: Highlands Tours: Closed / Silent Still Phone: none Location: Invergordon, Ross-shire, IV18 0HP
Style Light, dry
Range None from the distillery, try Signatory | |
Braeval (Braes of Glenlivet) 
1973년 증류소 설립. 글렌리벳 지역의 3대 증류소 중의 하나. 1995년까지 Braes of Glenlivet 이름 사용. 2002년 증류소 문 닫음.
몰팅 작업을 하지 않았음에도, 모형 건조탑의 지붕으로 인해 증류소라는 것이 인근 지역에 널리 알려짐. 숙성 창고와 병입 시설도 없는 이상한 증류소 였으며, 증류한 위스키는 Keith에 있는 창고로 운반 저장.
한 자료에 따르면, 이 증류소는 해발 1,100미터에 위치하여 스코틀랜드에서 가장 높은 곳에 위치한 Dalwhinnie 증류소 보다 높은 곳에 위치하고 있다고 주장.
Braeval is one of the three distilleries in the glen of the Livet, and was once known as Braes of Glenlivet until its name was changed in 1995. It has no maltings on site but sports an artificial pagoda roof that helps the distillery blend into its local surroundings. The distillery is unusual in that it has no warehouse or cask filling facilities on site, the spirit is shipped to a warehouse in Keith. one source claims that Braeval is 1,100 feet above sea level, which if true would make it higher than Dalwhinnie, who normally claims the title of highest distillery in Scotland.
Gaelic Meaning: Hillside Established: 1973 Region: Speyside # of Stills: 6 Tours: Not open to the public Location: Chapeltown, Ballindalloch, Banffshire, AB37 9JS
Style Light & sweet
Range None from the distillery but available in independent bottlings (try Gordan and Macphail's Connoisseurs Choice) | |
1819년 Sutherland의 공작이 설립. 1967년 현재의 Clynelish 증류소가 바로 옆에 지어지기 전까지는 Clynelish 증류소로 알려짐. 한동안 Clynelish A 증류소로 불리다 Brora 증류소로 이름을 바꿈. 1983년 증류소 문 닫음.
아직 증류소 건물과 증류기들이 남아 있으며, 언젠가 다시 재가동 할지도 모름. 강한 피트향의 몰트 위스키로 유명. 위스키 수집가들에게 큰 인기를 얻고 있음.
Brora was originally built in 1819 by the Duke of Sutherland. The distillery was known as Clynelish until the present Clynelish distillery was built next door in 1967. The distillery was renamed Brora (Clynelish A for a time) until sadly the distillery closed in 1983. The stills remain at the distillery so hopefully the distillery will one day reopen. Brora was unique in that it was a heavily peated malt, more so than virtually any other Scottish mainland whisky. Brora is nothing like its neighbor Chynelish in the appearance of the distillery or the whisky it once produced. Brora should become very popular with collectors so it may be wise to obtain a bottle now.
Established: 1819 (known as Clynelish until 1967) Region: Highlands # of stills: Closed Silent Still / Stills remain Tours: Closed Phone: None Location: Brora, Sutherland, KW96LR
Style Firm, chewy, peaty
Range 30 year old (rare & released in 4 different bottlings) Can be found in several independent bottlings | |
1897년 두번째 Glen Grant 증류소로 설립됨. 1901년 위스키 수요 급감과 Pattison의 몰락으로 증류소 문을 닫음. 1965년 Caperdonich 증류소로 새롭게 재가동. 1977년 Seagrams사의 소유가 됨. 2000년 프랑스 Pernod Ricard 그룹에 매각 직후 증류소 문 닫음.
남은 위스키는 모두 블렌딩 용으로 판매.
Caperdonich와 Glen Grant는 같은 수원을 사용하지만, Caperdonich가 Glen Grant보다 더 부드럽고 스모키함.
Caperdonich distillery was originally built in 1897 as Glen Grant No.2 to serve as a back up to the mighty Glen Grant Distillery. However following the Pattison's crash the distillery soon closed as the demand for whisky disappeared. In 1965 the distillery reopened as Caperdonich and was later purchased by Seagrams in 1977. Caperdonich and Glen Grant share the same water source but the whiskies are not similar. Caperdonich is lighter and tends to be smokier then Glen Grant.
Name Meaning: Secret Source Pronunciation: Coper Donich Established: 1897 Region: Speyside # of Stills: 4 Tours: Not open to the public Location: Rothes, Morayshire, AB387BN
Style Medium bodied, slightly smokey, dried apricots
Range None from the distillery but available in independent bottlings (try Gordan and Macphail's Connoisseurs Choice or Duncan & talyor) | |
1897년 증류소 설립. 1916년 Clynelish 증류소 (1824년 창립)에 매각. 1985년 증류소 가동 중단. 1992년 위스키 제조 면허 취소됨.
재가동 할 수 있는 가능성이 없음. 독립병입자 상표의 위스키만 구할 수 있는 전형적인 폐업 증류소.
A closed distillery that is typically only available from independent bottlers. The original distillery was founded in 1897 and then sold in 1916 to the Clynelish distillery. The Distillery was closed in 1985, and its license was cancelled in 1992 and it’s unlikely that it will ever open again.
Established: 1824 Pronunciation: Cole Burn Region: Speyside Tours: No longer in operation / Silent still Phone: None Location: Longmorn by Elgin, Moray, IV38 8GN
Style Dry, fruity sweet
Range None from the distillery but available in independent bottlings (try Gordan and Macphail's Connoisseurs Choice or Signatory) | |
1894년 증류소 설립. 1910년 화재로 인해 재 건립. 이때, 몰트 위스키 제조를 위한 연속 증류기 설치 하였으나 실패, 제 1차 세계대전 이후 사용 안함. 1965년 증류소 현대화 작업, 그 후 20년간 가동. 1992년 William Grant & Sons사의 창고용으로 매각, Glenfiddich과 Balvenie 위스키의 숙성 창고로 사용.
Convalmore was established 1894 and rebuilt in 1910 due to a fire. A continuous column still was installed at this point, with the intention of using this still for producing malt whisky. This turned out to be a failure and the still was not used after the First World War. Modernised in 1965, the distillery operated until its closure 20 years later. In 1992 William Grant & Sons, who own the neighboring Glenfiddich and Balvenie distilleries, bought Convalmore to use as warehousing for their maturing whisky stocks.
Established: 1894 Pronunciation: Con Vun Loor Region: Speyside Tours: No longer in operation / Silent still Phone: None Location: Dufftown, Banffshire, AB55 4BD
Style Fruity, malty
Range None from the distillery but available in independent bottlings (try Signatory) | |
Dallas Dhu 
1898년 Alexander Edward가 증류소 설립. 설립 당시의 이름은 Dallasmore 였으며, Forres 지역 외각에 위치. 1983년 증류소 가동 중단. 1988년 스코틀랜드 역사 박물관으로 전환.
증류소 재가동의 가능성이 전혀 없음. 독립병입자 상표의 위스키로 구입 가능.
Dallas Dhu was closed in 1983 but can still be found in numerous independent bottlings. Located on the outskirts of Forres, the Dallas Dhu distillery has been preserved in the form of a Historic Scotland museum and it’s unlikely that the distillery will ever reopen. The distillery was built in 1898 by Alexander Edward under the name of Dallasmore.
Established: 1898 Pronunciation: Dallas Due Region: Speyside Tours: Opened as a museum in 1988 Phone: 01309 676548 Location: Forres,Morayshire, IV36 2RR
Style Smooth, delicate, honey notes
Range None from the distillery but available in independent bottlings (try Gordan and Macphail's Connoisseurs Choice, Signatory or the Rare Malt Collection) | |
Glen Albyn 
1846년 증류소 설립. 설립 이후 가동 중단과 재가동을 여러번 반복. 1972년 Distiller Company Ltd (DCL)에 매각. 1983년 증류소 문 닫음. 1988년 증류소 건물 해체. (슈퍼마켓 건설)
독립병입자 상표의 위스키를 찾을 수 있음.
Glen Albyn had an on and off again existence since it opened in 1846. The distillery was eventually closed in 1983 and can still be found in independent bottlings.
Established: 1846 Region: Highlands Tours: Closed / No longer stands Phone: none Former Location: Inverness, Inverness-shire, IV3 5LD
Style Light, Citrus
Range None form the distillery but try Gordon & MacPhail | |
Glencraig는 증류소 이름이 아니며, 1958년부터 1981년까지 Glenburgie 증류소에서 생산했던 위스키 상표 이름. Glencraig의 이름은 Ballantines 위스키사의 이사인 Willie Craig의 이름에서 따왔음.
더 이상 생산을 하지 않기 때문에, 남아 있는 Glencraig 위스키는 매우 비싸게 거래됨.
Glencraig isn’t an actual distillery but a whisky that was produced at Glenburgie distillery between 1958 and 1981. Existing bottlings may become quite valuable since the stills the spirit was made in no longer exist. Glencraig was named after Willie Craig the Ballantines director of Highland Malt Distilleries, making him one of very few people to have a single malt whisky named after them. | |
Glen Flagler 
1965년 스코틀랜드 남부 지방의 Moffat 증류소와 함께 설립. 1985년 증류소 문을 닫음.
가장 짧은 기간동안 운영된 증류소의 하나.
Killyloch 몰트 위스키와 Garnheath 그레인 위스키를 생산.
Built within the Moffat grain distillery in the South of Scotland as recentl as 1965, Glen Flagler had one of the shortest life spans of a whisky distillery. In 1985 the distillery was closed. Another malt whisky called Killyloch was produced at the distillery and bottlings Garnheath Grain can also be found from time to time. | |
1875년 Portsoy 마을에 설립. 1890년 Highland Distilleries Co Ltd.사가 매입. 1907년 증류소 가동 중단. 1931년 증류소 재가동. 1936년 증류소 가동 중단. 1956년~1960년 증류소 재건축, 설비 교체. 1986년 증류소 문 닫음.
주로 블렌더들을 위한 위스키를 생산. Cutty Sark, Famous Grouse, Laing's 위스키에 사용.
The Glenglassaugh Distillery was founded in 1875 in the village of Portsoy. The distillery was closed in 1986 and primarily produced whisky for blenders. At one time the whisky contributed to Cutty Sark, Famous Grouse and Laing's.
Established: 1875 Pronunciation: Glen Spey Region: Speyside # of stills: Silent Still / Closed Tours: Silent Still Phone: none
Style Fruity, malty
Range None from the distillery but available in independent bottlings (try Gordon and MacPhail) | |
Glen Keith 
1957년 Isla 강둑에 증류소 설립. 1980년 자동화 생산 설비 가동. 2000년 증류소 문 닫음.
숙성 창고가 없으며, 인근의 다른 창고를 사용. Balloch Hill의 샘물을 끌어와서 사용.
A fairly new distillery built in 1957 on the bank of the River Isla opposite Strathisla. The majority of Glen Keith’s operation is automated that began in 1980. There is no warehousing at Glen Keith, the spirit is matured at a main warehousing facilities a few miles away. Glen Keith draws it’s water from the Balloch Hill spings.
Established: 1957 Pronunciation: Glen Keith Region: Speyside # of stills: 6 Tours: Not open to the public Phone: 01542 783042 Location: Keith, Banffshire AB55 3BU
Style Fruity, Tart
Range 10 year old | |
1898년 증류소 설립. 1980년대 초, 스카치 위스키의 소비 급감으로 1983년 증류소 문 닫음.
독립병입자 상표의 위스키를 볼 수 있음.
Glenlochy is distillery that didn’t survive the down turn in scotch consumption of the early 1980’s. The distillery was closed in 1983 and can be found in independent bottlings.
Established: 1898 Region: Highlands Tours: Closed / No longer stands Phone: none Former Location: Inverness, Inverness-shire, IV3 5LD
Style Fruity, light peat
Range 25 year old Rare Malts | |
Glen Mhor 
1892년 John Birnie와 James McKinley가 증류소 설립. 1980년 최초로 기계식 몰팅 방법을 도입 (Saladin Maltings) 1972년 Distiller Company Ltd (DCL)에 매각. 1983년 증류소 문 닫음. 1986년 증류소 건물 해체.
Glen Mohr was established in 1892 in partnership with James Mackinlay of the Leith blending house. Glen Mhor was the first Scottish distillery to convert from traditional floor maltings to mechanical maltings. The distillery was closed in 1983 and demolished in 1986.
Gaelic Meaning: Great Glen Established: 1892 Pronunciation: Glen Verw Region: Speyside # of stills: Silent still / no longer in prodcution Tours: No longer standing Phone: None Location: Inverness, Inverness-shire, IV3 5LU
Style Sweet
Range Only available as an independent bottling
| |
1830년대 초 증류소 설립. 1837년 맥주 양조 공장으로 전환. 1873년 위스키 증류소로 재 전환. 1925년 증류소 가동 중단. 1937년 Seagar Evans & Co Ltd에 매각, 재가동. 1970년 Long John International사에 매각. 1975년 Whitbread & Co Ltd 소유. 1983년 증류소 문 닫음, 건물 해체.
증류소가 완전히 없어졌기 때문에, 이 증류소의 위스키 가격이 크게 올라감.
The first record of Glenugie is from the early 1830Æs, where as many distilleries are converted from breweries into distilleries, Glenugie was converted into a brewery in 1837. The distillery was converted back to a distillery in 1873 and had two stills. The distillery is situated near Peterhead where the river Ugie meets the sea. It was sold to a consortium from the oil industry but unfortunately their ambitions were never fulfilled and the distillery closed in 1983. It has since been demolished, and the auction prices reflect its scarcity. | |
Glenury Royal 
1825년 Robert Barclay가 증류소 설립. 1833년 첫 위스키 출시. 1857년 William Ritchie가 매입. 1938년 Associated Scottish Distillers (ASD)에 매각. 1956년 Distiller Company Ltd (DCL)에 매각. 1965년~1966년 증류기 추가 설치. 1985년 증류소 문 닫음. 1992년 위스키 제조 허가 취소, 증류소 해체. (아파트 건설)
Captain Robert Barclay, who was the first man to walk 1000 miles in 1000 hours, built Glenury Royal in Stonehaven, a little South of Aberdeen. The first spirit flowed from the distillery on January 5th 1833. Barclay was the local Member of Parliament and it was through his friend ôMr. Windsorö that the distillery was granted the right to use the Royal suffix by King George IV. The distillery was purchased by DCL in 1956 and largely rebuilt between 1965 and 1966 with the building of a new mill room, mash house and tun room, with the number of stills also doubled from two to four. It was mothballed however in 1985 and was then subsequently sold for a housing development. A 12 year old bottled by J Gillon & Co has performed well at auction. | |
1897년 James Isles가 Highland Esk Distillery 증류소 설립. 1899년 J.F Caille가 매입, North Esk Distillery로 이름 변경. 1938년 Associated Scottish Distilleries (ASD)가 매입, Montrose Distillery로 이름 변경. 1954년 Distiller Company Ltd (DCL)가 매입. 1964년 Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd. (SMD)가 매입, Hillside Distillery로 이름 변경. 1968년 대형 드럼식 몰팅 기계 설치. 1980년 Glenesk Distillery로 이름 변경. 1985년 증류소 문 닫음. 1992년 위스키 제조 허가 취소.
주로 블렌디드 위스키 제조용으로 판매.
Located in Montrose, on the River Esk, The Hillside distillery is also known by the name of Glen Esk. The distillery started life as a Jute mill, becoming a distillery in 1898. The distillery, which contributed significantly in the VAT 69 blend, closed in 1985. As much of the whisky went into blends, and it is rarely found as a single malt. | |
1897년 Thomas Mackenzie가 증류소 설립. 1898년 Dailuaine-Talisker Distilleries Ltd에 매각. 1899년 증류소 가동 중단. 1919년 증류소 재가동. 1925년 Distiller Company Ltd (DCL)가 매입. 1955년 Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd. (SMD)가 매입. 1965년 증류기 2기 증설. 1985년 증류소 가동 중단. 1989년 Allied Distillers사가 매입, 재가동. 1998년 증류소 문 닫음. 2005년 Pernod Ricard 그룹에서 증류소 매입.
비교적 싼 가격으로 독립병입자 상표 위스키 구입 가능.
Imperial closed several times in its history before it was finally mothballed in 1998. Built in 1897 the distillery operated 2 stills until it expanded to 4 in 1965. Imperial is still available at a reasonable price from many independent bottlers.
Established: 1897 Pronunciation: Imperial Region: Speyside # of stills: 4 Tours: Mothballed Phone: 01340 810276 Location: Aberlour, Banffshire, AB439QP
Style Fruity, some smoke
Range None from the distillery but available in independent bottlings (try Gordon and MacPhail or Cadenhead) | |
1938년 Hiram Walker가 설립. 1959년 3번째 증류기 증설. 1991년 증류소 문 닫음.
George Ballantine & Son Ltd사가 블렌디드 위스키를 만들기 위해 Dumbarton Grain Distillery와 동시 건설.
증류소 자체 상품은 없으며, 블렌딩 용으로 판매. 독립병입자 상표의 위스키를 볼 수 있음.
The distillery complex was built by Hiram Walker in 1938 and contained Inverleven distillery and Dumbarton grain distillery. This was recently dismantled and the boys from Bruichladdich removed alot of the equipment, thereby saving it from scrap. In 1959 Inverleven was fitted with a third still: the first Lomond still which was known as Lomond and was heavier in character. The malt side of the operation ceased production in 1991. Neither of the two malts has ever been bottled by the distillery owners, but independent bottlings are available. | |
1957년 Long John International사가 증류소 설립. 1975년 Whitbread사가 매입, 증류소 문 닫음.
Glasgow에 있던 마지막 몰트 위스키 증류소. 주로 블렌딩 용으로 판매. Cadenheads, Gordon & MacPhail, Duncan Taylor's 등의 독립병입자 상표 위스키로 판매. 이 증류소의 위스키는 매우 귀하여 가격이 고가임. (미니어쳐의 가격이 100파운드 이상)
Kinclaith was one of Glasgow's distilleries. Established as recently as 1957, it was dismantled in the 1970's. The distillery's malt went mainly into blends, although some was bottled as a single by Cadenheads and Gordon & MacPhail in the 1980's and '90's (Signatory may soon join that short list). It is very rare whisky and commands very high prices so if you find a bottle tucked away somewhere it's time to celebrate: miniatures go for over £100 at auction! | |
스코틀랜드에서 합법적으로 가장 오래된 증류소 중의 하나. Glasgow에 인접한 Clyde 강둑의 Bowling 인근에 위치.
증류소 존재에 대한 첫번째 주장은 당시 증류소, 세무공무원들을 위한 시설을 건축한 1772년 이전. 새로운 증거는 1750년 George Buchanan이 이 증류소를 구입했다는 기록.
1930년대 이전까지는 3회 증류. 그레인 위스키 증류소의 연속 증류기의 정류기와 같은 특이한 목을 가진 유일한 형태의 단식 증류기를 사용. 상대적으로 빨리 숙성 시킬 수 있는 위스키를 생산. 한 공정으로 Littlemill, Dunglass, Dumbuck 등의 3가지 종류의 몰트 위스키를 생산. 1965년 Littlemill Distillery Co Ltd 설립. 1971년 미국 Barton Brands사가 매입. 1972년부터 Littlemill 위스키만을 생산. 여러번 주인이 바뀌었으며, 최근에는 Loch Lomond사가 증류소 매입. 1984년 증류소 가동 중단. 1987년 Glen Catrine Bonded Warehouses가 매입. 1989년 증류소 재가동, 생산시설 부분적 철거. 2004년 9월 대화재로 인해 증류소 건물 붕괴.
One of several distilleries with a legitimate claim to being the oldest distillery in Scotland, Littlemill is situated near Bowling on the north bank of the Clyde close to Glasgow. The first claim of the distillery's existence is from at least 1772 when accommodation was built for the distillery's excise officers to live in. However new evidence has emerged suggesting that the distillery was purchased by George Buchanan in 1750 when he bought Auchterlonie estate. Up until the 1930Æs the distillery's produce was triple distilled. The stills in the distillery were of unique design, attributed to Mr Thomas the owner of the distillery, being pot stills with rectifying columns at their neck (much like the ones you would expect to see at a grain distillery). The hope was that this would make a whisky which could mature more quickly. At one stage the distillery made three different types of malt whisky, Littlemill, Dunglass and Dumbuck. From 1972 however the distiller concentrated on producing solely Littlemill. The distillery has had many owners throughout its history but is now owned by Loch Lomond Distillery Co. It was reopened for a short spell in 1989 but has since been closed and the distilling equipment partly dismantled. Constant rumors that the present owners plan to reopen the distillery on a small scale were sent up in flames in September 2004, when a major fire destroyed the distillery building. | |
1957년 Deuchar's Brewery사가 증류소로 변경. 1973년 스페인의 Destilerias y Crianza del Whisky사가 매입. 1992년 Allied Distillers사가 매입, 증류소 가동 중단. 1999년 보세창고로 사용되던 건물 해체.
최근 독립병입자 상표의 위스키 출시. Murray McDavid는 "동쪽의 Springbank"라고 묘사.
The Lochside distillery in Montrose was the main malt in the McNab blend. The distillery which started out as Deuchar's Brewery, distilled whisky from 1957 until it was closed by owners, Allied distillers in 1992. Although the warehouses have been demolished, the distillery still stands on the corner on the way north out of Montrose. Mostly bottled by independent bottlers, Lochside single malt is not widely available. Described by Murray McDavid as "the Springbank of the East". | |
Mosstowie는 실제 증류소 이름이 아니라 위스키 이름.
1824년 Andrew Peary와 Robert Bain이 Miltonduff 증류소 설립. 1866년 William Stuart가 증류소 매입. 1890년 Thomas Yool & Co.사와 합병, 증류소 확장. 1936년 Hiram Walker-Gooderham & Worts Ltd.사가 매입. 1964년 2개의 Lomond 증류기 증설, Mosstowie 위스키 생산. 1981년 2개의 Lomond 증류기 제거, Mosstowie 위스키 중단. 1992년 Allied Distillers사가 매입. 2005년 Fortune Brands Inc.사가 매입.
독립병입자 상표의 Mosstowie 위스키를 볼 수 있음.
Miltonduff distillery was build in 1824 and is a big part of the Ballantine blends. At one time the distillery operate two Lomond stills and produced a heavy, oily whisky called Mosstowie. These stills were removed in 1981 and replaced with traditional stills. Mosstowie can be found in independent bottlings and should be very collectable in the future.
Established: 1824 Pronunciation: Region: Speyside # of Stills: 6 Tours: Not open to the public Phone: 01343 547433 Location: Elgin, Morayshire, IV30 3TQ
Style Sweet, nutty
Range 10 year old 15 year old 1968 (rare) | |
North Port-Brechin 
1820년 David Guthrie가 증류소 설립. 1893년 Guthrie, Martin & Co.사가 매입. 1922년 Distiller Company Ltd (DCL)와 W.H.Holt & Co사가 공동 매입. 1922년 Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd. (SMD)에 재매각. 1928년~1937년 증류소 가동 중단. 1983년 증류소 문 닫음. 1990년 부동산 회사가 매입, 증류소 해체 후 슈퍼마켓 건설.
Brechin은 Dundee에서 북쪽으로 20마일 떨어진 동부 해안가에 위치한 스코틀랜드에서 가장 작은 마을. 한때 이 마을 이름인 Brechin을 증류소 이름으로 사용.
Brechin is Scotland's smallest city, located on near the East coast, about 20 miles north of Dundee. It was once walled, and this distillery took its name from its location, close to the North gate (or North Port) to the city. Distilling commenced at North Port in 1820, under the ownership of The Townhead Distillery Company, and locally the distillery was often known as 'Townhead'. The company was purchased by DCL in 1922, and suffered a periods of closure from 1928 until 1937, and during the war years. Following the war It operated in continual production until 1983, when it was one of the victims of the many distillery closures that year. Sadly, too much of the workings have gone for this once great distillery to distil again, and bottlings of North Port are becoming hard to find. | |
1975년 증류소 설립. 1993년 증류소 문 닫음.
Dufftown 증류소의 자매 증류소. Dufftown 증류소와 숙성 창고 공유. 가장 짧게 운영된 증류소 중의 하나.
Pittyvaich was the sister distillery to the much more popular Dufftown. Pittyvaich was modeled after the Dufftown distillery even down to the stills. The two distilleries even shared warehouse space. Pittyvaich had a very short life span, it was opened in 1975 and closed in 1993.
Established: 1975 Pronunciation: Pitty Vaith Region: Speyside # of Stills: Closed / Silent Still Tours: Closed Phone: None Location: Dufftown, Banffshire, AB55 4BR
Style Fruity, malty, sherry
Range 12 year old Flora Fauna Some independent bottlings exist | |
Port Ellen 
1825년 Alexander Mackay가 증류소 설립. 1836년 John Ramsay가 증류소 매입. 1920년 Port Ellen Distillery Co. Ltd사가 증류소 매입. 1927년 Distiller Company Ltd (DCL)사가 증류소 매입. 1929년 증류소 가동 중단. 1967년 Low Robertson & Co사가 매입, 재증축 후 재가동. 1973년 대형 몰팅 설비 증설. 1983년 증류소 문 닫음. 2003년 증류소 건물 해체.
Port Ellen 1891년 위스키가 2001년 11,000파운드에 판매됨.
It seems unthinkable that Port Ellen should be closed, with Islay whiskies as popular as they are now. Still, it is and will not reopen in its current form so it is looking like a hot tip to collect. Built in 1825, the Distillery has had a difficult past, closed from 1929 and only re-opened in 1967 to enjoy only a seemingly final 17 years production. Acquired by UDV, Port Ellen became surplus to requirements with the company's presence in Lagavulin providing an Islay malt for the group and Caol Ila generating output for blended whiskies. Much of the inner workings of the Distillery and the exterior building remained standing for a long time, but sadly, the stillhouse was demolished in 2003. Bottles have performed well at auction, with an 1891 bottling reaching £11,000 in 2001. | |
1840년대 초 James Rankine가 증류소 설립. 1864년 James Rankine의 아들인 R. Rankine가 재증축. 1894년 Rosebank Distillery Ltd로 이름 변경. 1914년 Distiller Company Ltd (DCL)사가 매입. 1993년 증류소 문 닫음.
Edinburgh와 Glasgow 사이의 Forth-Clyde 해협에 위치. 1840년 증류소 설립 이전부터 Rosebank 이름 사용.
아직 건물과 설비가 남아 있으며, 재가동 희망 있음.
Situated on the banks of the Forth-Clyde Canal between Edinburgh and Glasgow lies Rosebank distillery. The present distillery dates back to 1840, although there are records of distillation under the name of Rosebank taking place locally prior to this. With the regeneration of the canal (driven by the Falkirk water wheel) it has been muted that the distillery could become a focal point of the area's industrial heritage, but most likely as a museum rather than a distillery. Truly, the Queen of the Lowlands this distillery closed in 1993. It remains intact, so could potentially distil again...we live in hope!
distillery closed in 1993, although remains intact, so could potentially distil again...we live in hope! | |
St. Magdalene 
1798년 Adam Dawson이 Bonnytoun 증류소 운영. 1800년 St Magdalene 수도원 매입, 증류소 설립. 1912년 Distiller Company Ltd (DCL)사가 매입. 1914년~1915년 5대 증류소로 발전, 1914년 Scottish Malt Distillers (SMD)사 탄생. 1983년 증류소 문 닫음.
원래는 12세기때 문둥병 환자를 치료하기 위한 병원. 그 후, St Magdalene 수도원으로 사용. 현 증류소 옆에 Adam Dawson이 Bonnytoun 증류소를 설립. Bonnytoun 증류소의 사장이 St Magdalene 수도원 매입, 증류소로 변경 후 Bonnytoun 증류소와 함께 가동.
The original buildings of this closed distillery are on the Glasgow to Edinburgh railway line at the eastern end of Linlithgow, by which name its malt is sometimes known as. The site had several uses before it became a distillery in 1798. It was originally a hospital opened in the 12th Century used to treat lepers. It was then converted in to a convent known as St Magdalene convent or Lazar House. The distillery was built adjacent to an existing distillery known as Bonnytoun (at one time there was five licensed distilleries in Linlithgow). The owner of Bonnytoun bought St Magdalene around 1800 and shifted his emphasis onto St Magdalene, as it was the more successful of the two distilleries. So successful was it that expansion followed Bonnytoun was absorbed into one big complex. In 1914/1915 the distillery became one of the original five distilleries that merged to form the Scottish Malt Distillers, the other four being Clydesdale, Glenkinchie, Grange and Rosebank. Sadly Glenkinchie is the only one out of the original five still in production. St Magdalene closed in 1983 and has been converted into flats. We will miss this elegant whisky in the future. | |
1966년 증류소 설립. 1996년 증류소 문 닫음.
1966년 Tamnavulin-Glenlivet Distillery Co Ltd사가 블렌디드 위스키에 필요한 몰트 위스키의 수요증가에 따라서 설립. 30년간의 짧은 기간동안 운영된 증류소.
Tamnuvulin has had a fairly short existence, founded in 1966 and closed in 1996. There is hope that the distillery will reopen one day. The distillery was built in response to the rising demand of malt whisky for blending. Tamnavulin is a very modern distillery except for its visitor center which is located in an old mill. Tamnavulin is a sweet floral malt that hopefully will fire up the still once more.
Gaelic Meaning: the mill on the hill Established: 1966 Region: Speyside Pronunciation: Tam na Voo lin # of Stills: 6 Tours: Currently closed and not prodcuing Location: Ballindalloch, Banffshire, AB37 9JA
Style Floral
Range 12 year old 24 year old 28 year old | | |